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Buggy Hire

We have a limited fleet of buggies available for those who prefer to ride rather than walk.  These can be booked in advance by calling the Pro’s Shop on 01895 917061 or email.
Per Round – 18 holes or part thereof£35.00

* Juniors may not hire buggies

Buggy Policy

All users of buggies will be required to sign a copy of the Club’s buggy policy which they are required to adhere to before they will be given the keys.  Failure to comply with this policy will result in permission to use the buggy being withdrawn. The topography of certain areas of the course is such that caution and prudence must be shown by the users of a ride-on buggy, these are covered in the policy document.

Buggy Safety Policy Statement

Buggy Usage Qualifications

Buggy Safe Working Practice

Buggy Safety Policy Acknowledgment Form

Some key elements of the policy are:

  • The buggy must not be used or parked within 5 metres of any green, tee, bunker, ditch or pond or slopes leading to them except when using designated bridges or paths.
  • The buggy may not be driven into long grass areas.
  • Children under the age of 18 are not allowed to drive a ride-on buggy.
  • A ride-on buggy shall only be used for the number of occupants it was designed to carry and only by people who are authorised to use one.